Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Fruita CO

Fruita CO

Rest Area is right on trail, I-70 exit 19. The sidewalk to the east becomes the trail.
Also park at the Loco Coyote Travel Center, exit 19. Or the truckstops (Pilot, Loves, Acorn) exit 26

Easy access from the Rest Area, and Loco Coyote. The frontage road sidewalk turns into the bike path. From The Pilot and the Loves, you have to deal with the railroad corridor. We like to cut through the bushes behind the Pilot, cross the tracks, turn left on the road, and follow the road around to the right after it goes under the interstate. You can also access the trail by going down Business 70, and turning right at Railroad Blvd from the truckstops.

Trail Name:
River Front Trail

Connects to:
The Grand Junction trail system
James M Robb State Park
Many mountain biking trails in the area

Length: 20+ miles
Width: 96”
Surface: Concrete
Elevation: 4514
Grade: Gentle grade
Facilities: Rest rooms, benches, historical markers

Run Rating
Restaurants: Yes.
Microbrewery: Yes, micro-beers at the barbecue place in the mall
Pets: Yes
Cycling: Yes, well-maintained!
Safe Neighborhood: Yes. Sunscreen and mosquito spray are recommended along the river.

Stuff to See and Do
Veteran's Memorial, great views of the mountains and the Colorado River, fishing (with CO license)

Excruciating Detail:
